Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Te Ahu a Turanga Noho Marae

Description:  In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.

Big Idea:  

1.  Did you achieve your goals?  How do you know? I did achieve my goal by being quiet when I woke up and I did wake up at 6:59 I know I achieved my goal because Nic got everyones attention and said we were aloud to get up. 

2.  What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why? I am most proud of myself for learning how to walk on the stilts because at school I kept falling off them.

3.  What challenged you the most and why? The thing that challenged me most was story telling. Why that challenged me because I thought that no one would like my story.

Something I will do next time is getting up and not worrying about no one liking my story. 


  1. Good on you Grace! I am super proud of you for telling your story at the Marae. I completely understand that it is a very difficult thing to do. How did you feel once you had done it?

    Your bookmark is BEAUTIFUL - I am looking forward to hearing the symbolism behind it.

    1. Hi I should have re phrased that we did story telling as an activity and I did not have the courage to go up there.

      I will change the phrasing.

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