Wednesday, 25 November 2015

3D Printing (James)

Description: Every Thursday we do Inquiry where we chose between 3 teachers that we liked in the taste testers. I chose James. We have been doing 3D printing we have had to challenge ourselves. We used Sketch Up to design and then we used the 3D printer to print out our designs. Here is a image of my finished piece.


Big Idea:

We have been trying to do something that will benefit our school, I am benefiting the school by, showing excellence and creativity, in designing and inventing things. I went out of the box by printing a guitar and my next step is to create some strings for the guitar to make it better.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Questions (This Land We Call Home)

Description: This we in our reading group we have been answering questions about the book and doing fun tasks with our reading buddy here are the tasks we had to do.

Blooms Questions:

Name where the story is based... In California (World War ll)

If you interviewed Paula what would you ask her?... How is it like living in this sort of country?? 

What year is the story based... 1941 in California

What I would place in my box if I was going 
away from home:

- Water
-Cans of Food

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Free Verse Poetry

 Description: We have been learning about Free verse Poetry where you don't have to rhyme or have any amount of lines. I wrote my poem about Christmas. We also had to put some language features in our writing like alliteration, similes and also giving a non living thing a livings things actions. Example:The pillow lay there as if it was asleep.

Big Idea:

Snow falls from the air, 

the gingerbread smell, 

the pine needles from the Christmas tree circling the smell around the room.

 Present rappings and cards, happiness dancing around the street. 

Christmas carols, bells ringing. 

Family’s get together surprises smiles. 

Christmas lights decorations,

Snowmen cold and the fire blazing.

Evaluation: I think I have done very well because I have created a image in 
the readers mind, when I write a free verse poem again I might try and add more language features, like similes and alliteration.


Thursday, 5 November 2015

Agency Wall

Description: This term we are trying to identify our goals and what we need to work on.
First we had to hilight the things we could do in yellow and the things we could not do in pink.
Then we chose what part of the wall we needed to work on. Here are some questions.

I think I am a Self Managing learner because I need to work on some things epesically my goal now because I have only just heard of it and would like to complete it.

The goal that I am currently working on is... Being open to the cognitive wobble

The things I need to do to achieve this goal are... to get into the learning pit where things are hard.